Saturday, October 28, 2006


GrandchildShipping (Gray/Lumina) - Too much stress can be hard on you.

I find Avril Lavigne's Complicated to be good with this pairing as well as Tatu's All About Us. And why do I like Black Eyed Peas' Don't Phunk With My Heart with this? It's kinda funny... Gray and Lumina lip-synching to this.

Well, I've finally made it to Fall in HM:DS. Currently, I have a cow, sheep, and two chickens. Around 40 sprites... I'm doing better than my last file. ^-^

Had Flora at green heart just before the Fireworks festival! Yay!

Just experienced the milking glitch. Got one bottle of small milk that's level 7.

The Kitchen is finally here! Woot!

One more thing: People on forums, particulary Ushi No Tane, there's a reason why we have site. It has a lot of the information you need for your playing enjoyment. Quit asking questions like "Help! I can't get *insert potential spouse's name here* to marry me!"

Check. The. Site.

If you say you don't like someone, don't type like a five-year-old going "eewwwww"

Type your bashing in a mature way. Like your age. Actually don't bash at all.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

A Billion in a Day

We all have different ways to make money. We can mine for jewelry to ship for two thousand gold each, farm, fish, and such. You can make over a hundred thousand in a week if you work hard. You can make a billion however in a day. All you need is a fishing team, a stone, and ninety-nine pieces of bird feed.

HM:DS glitch based.

Danny (Farmer Boy, usually known as 'Jack') - A farmer desperate to make money to be able to buy expensive barn/bird shed constructions which if you buy with the materials can add up to a hundred gold. Discovered billion glitch.

Johnny (OC) - Danny's friend. A fellow farmer from Mineral Town where he is the hard-working owner of Niwa Farm.


Carter - A serious archaeologist who works at the Excavation Site. Not a fan of his assistant, Flora's cooking.

"Flora usually cooks for me but... she isn't very good at it," he quotes, "On top of that, she's always cooking things I don't like to eat..."

One-shot; Harvest Moon-based; Rated PG.

Listening: Laughing at You - Head Automatica
Your following is fleeting.
Watch what you're reading, you might start believing what they're saying about.
You don't even know, I'm talking shameless.
In the thick of it, you can't get rid of it.
Desperation is calling you. Desperation is calling you.

Thursday, October 19, 2006


Ugh. Better practice, get serious, oh my freakin...

My mother keeps scolding me practicing more seriously on the piano. Sheesh, I just wanna have fun. But I have to practice more seriously. Arrrgh!!!

BTW, about the screenshot, why is Claire in her farming outfit? o_O

Tomorrow... Two tests! Yay. Algebra 1 (3rd test) and Science (1st).

I honestly like Algebra and Science. I dunno if it's because of my teacher or it's easy but...

Ugh, my teacher haunts my thoughts. Seriously. (In a good way yet bad...)

Song: All About Us - Tatu

Note to Self: Play more AWL. *must see Ch.6 ending!!*

Sunday, October 15, 2006


Most of my couples for the 15pairings challenge will be based on MM. 'Cause so many cute people makes for so many cute couples.

Let's see...

Louis (StH/MM)/Mary(FoMT)
Nami's Son (Kevin)/Lumina (if it's allowed to write a couple involving an NPC who you can nam.)
Flora/Farmer (if it's possible to write for a couple involving a PC you can name)

Theme Set 1:
1. something sweet - Carl/Ellen
2. Pick me up
3. only playing/pretending - Joe/Katie
4. Look who's on top! - Karen/Mary
5. flower(s) - Basil/Nina
6. elope - Kevin/Lumina
7. cherry flavor medicine - Doctor/Elli
8. "Yes! Yes! Yes!"
9. meow~
10. indecent exposure
11. pain - Alex/Gina
12. between the sheets
13. "What a waste." - Griffin/Muffy
14. First come, first serve!
15. Consummation - Gray/Lumina

Not sure about the rest though. Currently, I'm writing part of Doctor/Elli.

Agh, I have to finish that vignette for school... Curse laziness!

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Yay! Graphics!

The orange banners feature Kyoru (Kyo x Tohru) from Fruits Basket/Furuba by Natsuki Takaya. As well as the orange icon featuring Kisa who is the cutest girl in the manga. <3

Green icon features Kiyokazu Fujimoto from CLAMP's Kobato.

Green/Pink banner is of Syaoran/Sakura from Cardcaptor Sakura. I don't seem to like CCS as much as I used to... Oh, well. It's one of those classic train scenes (except it's a bus) in which someone chases after someone leaving and blah, blah.


Working on: Harvest Moon: Magical Melody fanfic featuring Leif x Male!Leon (Ray/Male!Jamie).

A 1sentence entry for Lumina/Gray.

And... I'm interested in the 15pairings community at LJ. ^^ HM pairings? Hell yeah.

I've also done part of a chapter for The Piano Plays, The Boy Sketches, my long-lost forgotten first HM fanfic (in-progress) featuring Nami's son x Lumina. I named him Kyo... But I regret it and shoulda named him Kevin.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Blah, Blah, Blah (AKA Nonsense)

I've been working on the railroad all the live long day


I've forgotten all the lyrics and I don't know what to say.




Currently, I'm working on a one-shot for Ray/Jamie (English) or Leif/Leon. I just need to think of a good title... Suggestions?


Okay... Remember my last post about HM:DS. Well, I've accidentally started a new file. ^_^;; Going for Flora now. 'Cause glasses people are love <3 style="color: rgb(153, 51, 153);">

Purple: Flora, Nami, Celia, Muffy
Black: Lumina, Leia, MT girls, Witch

A bird shed made of stone has been constructed! Now for the Wood one.

Summer now. The summer music sounds quite 'piratey'. Arrgh...

I need to get a chicken soon. Ugh... Why did I have to buy 5 bags of each crop? I'm overstocked with watering work! Agh! @_@


I've been listening to Head Automatica for a while. Is it me or do they look like younger generations of the Beatles? o_O