I find Avril Lavigne's Complicated to be good with this pairing as well as Tatu's All About Us. And why do I like Black Eyed Peas' Don't Phunk With My Heart with this? It's kinda funny... Gray and Lumina lip-synching to this.
Well, I've finally made it to Fall in HM:DS. Currently, I have a cow, sheep, and two chickens. Around 40 sprites... I'm doing better than my last file. ^-^
Had Flora at green heart just before the Fireworks festival! Yay!
Just experienced the milking glitch. Got one bottle of small milk that's level 7.
The Kitchen is finally here! Woot!
One more thing: People on forums, particulary Ushi No Tane, there's a reason why we have site. It has a lot of the information you need for your playing enjoyment. Quit asking questions like "Help! I can't get *insert potential spouse's name here* to marry me!"
Check. The. Site.
If you say you don't like someone, don't type like a five-year-old going "eewwwww"
Type your bashing in a mature way. Like your age. Actually don't bash at all.