Monday, September 04, 2006

Black Rival Event

You know I always have weird thoughts about a kind of Harvest Moon: FoMT. I've changed around couples and rivals. Elli/Doctor, Ann/Cliff, Rick/Karen, Popuri/Kai stay the same though I changed Gray and Mary. Jack can now court Claire who runs a bakery next to the forge. His rival is Gray. (I'm that obsessed with Gray/Claire. ^_^;;) Mary's rival is Louis from Save the Homeland/Magical Melody. They're so cute~!

I've been having pointless thoughts about Gray/Claire rival events. They're quite similar to Mary's Rival Events and Gray's Heart Events.

Black Rival Event:

Enter the Forge on anyday except Sunday or Thursday.

Gray: (#) I'm sick of this!
Saibara: Have some more respect toward your elders young man!
(Claire comes in.)
Claire: (?) Huh?
Gray: Whatever, I'm outta here! *turns to leave but sees Claire at the door* (!) Move!
Claire: Oh, I-I'm sor--
Saibara: Gray! Don't be so rude to a customer!
Gray: So... Sorry.
Claire: Oh, it's okay.
Gray: (...) If it's okay, can you please move?
Claire: Oh, yes I... (!) Oh dear! You have a scratch!
Gray: No big deal.
Claire: Don't say that! It could get infected! Please... Could you hold you hand out?
Gray: (...)
Claire: *band-aids* There! Is it better now?
Gray: Uh...
Claire: Oh yes! I'm sorry. I must be blocking your way! *moves out of the way* Sorry about that!
Gray: *goes to door but stops and turns back* ...Thanks.
Claire: No problem!


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